Storage Portugal Whether you’re looking for extra space in your own home or in a commercial establishment, you’re not alone. Many homeowners and organizations will struggle with their space. A storage cupboard is a great option to help store excess belongings without having to go to the extreme of selling your home or business to find a bigger space. However, just like in your home or business, it’s important to maximize the efficiency that the storage unit’s space can provide. With U Can Store, you are the solution provider you are looking for to optimize your storage needs. With our Portgual Bases storage unit services, we can help you make the most of your storage units. That said, here are some ways to maximize your storage unit space, whether for personal or business needs.

1. create an inventory of articles

Start by creating an inventory of items. This is important because it helps you in the future when you may have forgotten what was in the storage unit. At the same time, the responsibility for looking after the unit can be assigned to someone else, such as someone leaving the company, for example.

2. Categorize your articles for easy retrieval

Make sure you categorize your items so that they are easier to retrieve. Not only that, but it’s good to know which direction the storage unit should go, rather than navigating blindly.

3. Use vertical space wisely

With most storage units, you’ll have a lot of vertical space and not all storage unit owners will make use of it. Make sure you configure your items so that they use as much space in height as you do in width and depth.

4. Invest in sturdy shelves for stacking items

Sturdy shelves will help you stack your items more successfully. Make sure you invest in sturdy shelves so that you don’t damage your belongings with weak shelves that may collapse over time.

5. Pack smartly and store your items carefully

Ideally, everything you put in the storage unit should be packed in boxes of similar sizes. This will make it easier to stack them and store them with the utmost care. Make sure the heaviest boxes are at the bottom.

6. Label your boxes clearly and systematically

Clearly labeling all your boxes will help you identify the belongings you need to remove from the unit. Don’t just label the boxes with a general name. It’s worth adding a list that you can attach to the box that lists everything in the box itself.

7. Create corridors for accessibility

When navigating a storage space, you want to create aisles for accessibility. If you have everything piled up, you’ll probably cause damage to yourself or your belongings by trying to navigate the space at random. Implementing these ideas can save you a lot of time, money and hassle when buying a storage unit. That said, you can rely on U Can Store for reliable and versatile storage solutions, whatever your needs. Get in touch to find out how we can help you with your storage solutions.